About the Brentwood Newsletter
The Brentwood Newsletter is a citizen committee working
on a volunteer basis to provide a communication
service vital to the residents of Brentwood.
The Brentwood Newsletter is an independent publication, in no way coordinated by any town employee or elected official. We are a fully volunteer group of residents who donate time and talent to bring you news of the town, no one receives compensation other than the pleasure from volunteering. What you read each month are the voices of your neighbors, friends and residents of Brentwood.
The Brentwood
Newsletter is, in part, funded by the taxpayers of Brentwood through the Warrant Article process. This funding pays a portion of the printing, postage and distribution costs. Additional funding is generated through donations.
The Brentwood Newsletter does not endorse, nor advocate for any political party, candidate for any office, or charitable organization.
The views shared in this publication should not be construed to be the official opinion of the Brentwood Newsletter. Unless otherwise noted, the words you read are solely the opinions of the writers.
The Brentwood Newsletter was begun in 1977 by a 9-member Town Needs Committee authorized at the 1976 Town Meeting. The initial objective was to study the needs of the Town and the School and report to the Town Meeting of 1977.
Directly from the text of the first publication in March of 1977:
“The general background which led to publication of the newsletter was the problem of communication and common identity in Brentwood. The newsletter seeks to remedy the problem of communications by making available summaries of various town committee reports and other information on issues confronting Brentwood. It is hoped that these reports will give citizens a common basis from which community-wide discussions can emerge.”
For forty years, Editor in Chief Linda Rousseau headed a dedicated group of volunteers who collected, produced, and published the Brentwood Newsletter. Upon her retirement in 2017, Robin Wrighton assumed the helm and today, the Brentwood Newsletter carries on the tradition of communicating with its residents, by its residents, making it a unique community treasure.